9:36 PM
Hi there, My name is Nicole Tara Mary Shaynaynay Alice Michelle Pollozi! I'm from New Jersey city, USA. I moved to Ireland about a year ago and was given the nickname: Haunty Beor!

I did't know what it meant at first, but according to www.slang.ie

Haunty: Bad / Slutty

Beor: Attractive

Hey! I don't mind! As long as you recognize that I'm pretty! :D

So I moved to Limerick city, thats an awesome city on the banks of the river shannon in the west of Ireland! Some call it "Stab city" But I call it "Friggin' Awesome!" Everyone here (with the exception of one or two) have been so totally nice and amazing that sometimes it hurts my face cause of all the smilin' I do!

My mission statement is to bring happiness, fist pumping, jager bombs, and awesome techno music to every venue in this small little country and show all you Irish people just how we do it down in NU JOYZEY!

Haunty x





I'm a Italian American Guidette living large in Limerick city!

Ethnic origins:

Guido. . . . (Google it)


Shopping, tanning, fist pumpin and hanging out in clubs!

Favourite colour:


Favourite food:


Favourite drink:

Yager Bombs! And lots of them!

Favourite saying:

Live & love life! Ya crazy liddle Bastids!

Favourite sport:

Shopping! And sunbeds where you gotta stand up!

Favourite movie:

Leminy Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events. . . It makes me feel better about myself cause those kids got it tuff! And I like to bite things just like the baby!

Favourite shop:

Ann Summers! I've been shopping there since my first holy communion!

Never leave home without:

My Keys! Otherwise how would I get back inside to get my stuff!

Couldn’t live without:

Oxygen! Stoopid!

Animal I’m most like:

Leopard. . . Cause most of my clothes are print!

Person who’d play me in a movie:

Sylvester Stallone . . . but that bitch needs more titty's!